Test Lab and Note Use Accommodations
Phone: 304-473-8560
Email: testlab@5054k.com

The Test Lab serves the campus in three ways:
- Students with diagnosed learning disabilities may request the use of the Test Lab for the provision of extended time and other special testing accommodations that are indicated by documentation submitted by the student. The Comprehensive Advisor, who works closely with the student, will review this documentation and determine appropriate testing accommodations.
- Students currently or previously enrolled in the College’s English as a Second Language (ESL) Program are eligible to use the Test Lab for quizzes, tests, and exams.
- By special request, a member of Wesleyan’s faculty may arrange for a student to take a make-up test to be proctored by the Lab Coordinator on duty.
Regular Semester Hours*
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Access to Testing Accommodations
Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Access to Technology and Notes
Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5 pm
*Hours are subject to modification during holidays, final exams, and campus events.
Special note for your information and the protection of your belongings:
- Personal dictionaries are permitted in the Test Lab only with prior permission from the professor. This permission must be written or communicated directly to the Test Lab Supervisor or Coordinator.
- Since personal belongings are not permitted inside the lab while you are testing, we have provided storage shelves outside of the Test Lab.
- We ask that you leave your valuable items locked in your dorm room. The Test Lab and West Virginia Wesleyan College cannot protect your belongings while you are testing.
Test Lab Policies
It is very important that students follow procedures listed below in order to utilize the Test Lab for accommodations, students will not be permitted to take a test in the Test Lab without an appointment.
- Students should call the Test Lab (304-473-8560) between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5 p.m. to schedule an appointment in advance (a minimum of one day in advance). Tests are to be taken at the same time the class tests, unless the professor has given prior approval to take the exam at an alternate time. The faculty member must give this approval directly to the Test Lab Supervisor or Coordinator. If a student has permission to begin early, he or she will not be permitted to leave the Test Lab until 15 minutes of the scheduled class time has passed. Make-up exams can be scheduled at an indicated time by your professor.
- No tests will begin after 3:00 p.m. in the Test Lab.
- The student should notify the professor of his or her need to test in the lab at least two days in advance of each test. The student should check with the professor in person, not by email, the class period before the test will be given, about the arrangement for test delivery. In addition, the student must notify the Test Lab Supervisor if the Test Lab is responsible for test pick up or if the professor plans to drop the test off to the Test Lab.
- If a reader or scribe is necessary for testing, the student should notify the Test Lab Supervisor at least three (3) days in advance so that arrangements may be made. Otherwise, there is a chance that a reader or scribe will not be available.
- If a word processor is needed for an essay exam, the student should notify the Test Lab Supervisor or Coordinator when he or she makes the appointment to take each test.
- The student should arrive at the Test Lab at the same time the class meets unless written or verbal permission from the professor has been given directly to the Test Lab Supervisor or Coordinator. If a student arrives late for an exam, the student should contact the professor to arrange for a make-up exam (unless the professor indicates to the Test Lab Supervisor that the exam can be taken at any time).
- The student will not be permitted to leave the Test Lab once testing has begun. Take care of your physical needs before entering the Test Lab.
- All personal belongings should remain outside of the Test Lab while testing (including electronic devices). The Test Lab will provide students with spell-check technology and calculator as needed.
- The Test Lab Supervisor arranges for the confidential return of the test to the professor.
Note Use Accommodations*
The notes on file in the Test Lab are to be used by three groups of students:
- Students with diagnosed learning disabilities and attention difficulties who are enrolled in the Learning Center
- Students enrolled in the ESL Program (when notes are available because a student with a diagnosed learning disability previously requested them for the semester)
- Students that have medical documentation of an extended illness or serious injury
Note-Taking System
Our note-taking system may be used by students with diagnosed learning disabilities when indicated by educational documentation on file and deemed appropriate by the student’s Comprehensive Advisor. Approved students may request a note-taker by contacting the Test Lab Supervisor or Coordinator (Haymond 202) and completing the short note request form. It is important that the student request notes early in the semester; the Test Lab staff members need sufficient time to process student requests.
The following conditions apply to the note-taking service:
- The student is expected to use the notes on a regular basis and as soon as possible after class. Notes are discontinued if the student is not using them on a weekly basis. It is the student’s responsibility to cancel the notes if they are no longer needed.
- Notes are used in Haymond 202 in the Test Lab.
- Notes can be photocopied if specified by medical/educational documentation. Most often, the students rework class notes by comparing them with those of the note-taker.
- Notes are kept on reserve for one week at a time. In special circumstances, notes from previous weeks will be retrieved for student use.
*Students will have access to notes Monday – Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. and Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.